Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Robinson defends recession reporting

The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors. Only days ago, I questioned whether our local media outlets were accurately covering the Triad's recession. Now, News & Record editor John Robinson defends that reporting in a blog entry today.

Here's an excerpt:

...when layoffs mount -- and the news business is only one of many industries facing rising unemployment -- foreclosures climb and bankruptcies go through the roof, we write about it and it seems negative. People read it, begin to worry and stop spending. But there's no way to put lipstick on that pig, to coin a phrase. It's news.

Still, we do look for stories that fuel and inspire the human spirit and, in most news publications, you can find them all over the place. During these times, though, they don't have quite the same impact.


E.C. :)

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