Monday, January 26, 2009

Lots and lots and lots of PSAs on 'SJS

The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors. Is it me, or have you noticed too...that there are an awful lot of PSAs that run on WSJS (600/1200AM). One would expect many PSAs to run at night or on the weekends, but I hear a lot of them during the weekdays.

Could this be that local ad revenues are down, and local spots are on the decline, prompting the increased airing of PSAs?

No offense, but when once can start humming the theme of some PSAs, you know it has been aired way too much.

E.C. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WSJS has a sales team credibility problem and their rates are too high. They have burned people for years with 'packages' that simply do not deliver what the rep promises. That may explain it.