Monday, January 26, 2009

Brad Krantz now a fan of TMW, wants more radio discussions

The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors. FM Talk 101.1 WZTK's Brad Krantz sent in this very kind letter, as he is now a fan of Triad Media Watch...and wants more discussion about local radio:

Hi Erik...

Brad Krantz here... having been on the air here and living in Greensboro for 22 years, the shocking lack of attention by the print media to radio in this market is worse than anywhere I've ever worked... Charlotte, New York, Washington, Des Moines, Columbus. Any articles about radio in the N&R are (95%) of the time about SATELLITE radio, which reaches a tiny percentage of the listening universe, comparatively speaking. If you didn't know better, you'd think everyone suddenly stopped listening to AM/FM about 7 years ago. Nothing could be further from the truth, as (terrestrial) radio reaches 72% off ALL consumers every day, which still makes it the number one overall medium by reach. Many more people listen to any of the top 20 stations in our market than any of the tiny publications you list. Many more people get their politics and their political ideas from radio stations like ours and WSJS than from even the daily metro dailies. While you had the Clear Channel layoff story, it was a really big deal media story both locally and nationally, especially since CC management was cynical enough to announce all the firings on Inauguration Day, thinking the story might be buried that way.

I noticed you didn't list any radio stations as links among your "local media." Should you decide to change that, our website is ....

Good luck with the blog!

Brad Krantz



Thanks for your comprehensive letter...We listen [to 101.1] religiously....

...My blog is still rather new, but I'm continuing to add links as I can, so no; I haven't forgotten radio.

If anything, I put out a post recently--inviting those who love and appreciate local radio to pass on their scoops. Outside of the good folks there at 101.1 and Scott Griffith at 'SJS, I don't really have many scoops and connections to local radio (I'm looking for as many as I can)...but I wholeheartedly agree that local terrestrial radio continues to play a vital role in this area. If anything, I would love to see more of a role local radio has here.

Thanks again for the note, as I'm heartfelt to see Triad Media Watch grow so quickly in the local blogosphere...and beyond. Many of the comments recently have stated that attention to local media has long been overdue in this area. Its continual success will depend on you, so spread the word (and the occasional on-air mention won't hurt, either)!

All the best,

Erik "E.C." Huey
Triad Media Watch


E.C. :)


Triadwatch said...

brad, why don't you have local bloggers on your radio show?

Anonymous said...

Brad begging for publicity is status quo.

Anonymous said...

1. You actually think these guys are going to admit that radio exists? Not very likely!

2. It is not surprising that satellite is the subject of the stories you see. If you look, the byline is probably Associated Press. Our local dailies only have the ability to go to the AP feed, tear off the sheet, include in next day's paper. If you notice, few local stories of substance are in our local papers.
