Wednesday, January 7, 2009

How can the N&R be saved?

The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors. Judging by the first couple of comments from you, it seems as though a site such as Triad Media Watch is long overdue. Thanks for the thumbs up!

Now I don't want this site to be a gang-up on the News & Record, because frankly, every media outlet in this area could use a little shake-up (and every media outlet will be examined here on TMW). But the N&R seems to be in the focus lately.

In the last post, some of this paper's issues were laid out. And if you know me, I like to balance the bad with the good.

So how can the N&R be saved? Let's hear your ideas.

Aside from a new parent company, publisher and editor in chief, I think the N&R can benefit with a local on-air media tie-in, similar to the on-air relationship with FOX-8 and the Winston-Salem Journal (and the Journal has its own set of issues also). I thought a natural relationship could exist with CBS-2 WFMY and the News & Record. It may not be too late to set up a marriage and return some credibility with this paper.

I would like to see more localism return to the paper; less reliance on wire copy, more reliance on reporters, in the field, getting the story; local stories...umm, this would require hiring staff. There are a lot of out-of-work, veteran journalists in this area just chomping-at-the-bit, ready to begin working again.

I would like to see less puff pieces (too much of that in this past Sunday's paper), more hard news. With the litany of problems this city is having, our paper should be covering all angles and all sides of these stories...they're not. And why is the Rhino Times continually scooping the N&R on hard news in this town?

This starts the it's your turn. Let's get a conversation going about it.

E.C. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wrote a post some time ago where I concluded that the press and computers are obsolete and too expensive to maintain. No one is gonna by the paper for that reason. You would do better to start up from scratch like the Carrboro Citizen and take advantage of new technology. Replicating the ad sales force seems like the challenge to me. And of course, the vagaries of printing and distribution. I think the N&R will go online only before it winks out.