Tuesday, May 26, 2009

PPMs changing radio listening habits

Major radio station changes lately may be the result of the new PPMs--portable people meters Arbitron is using to track listener habits. Diaries are out, the electronic age is in.

Apparently, the PPMs are more accurate in gaging listening patterns in terms of how audiences are measured.

But the PPMs are causing controversy.

Phil Rosenthal, Chicago Tribune:
Some have questioned the quality and weighting of the sample listeners and cast aspersions on the results. Others point to the difficulty of getting some to participate, for one reason or another.

The image “http://tbn3.google.com/images?q=tbn:Mztz8QZ-MKp3HM:https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgIaZQD7X_7qd_NzKHLXf692Yledq12WgjBnaXFDSHalPhMv9pfd1Yp1d1dYAGcfeF7vNpADoHbxk2dTe1eneQwrmE_OBLlvf8EadMp4ZiDVOniN8SB37SB1qbtDg4CXX8uxJqsMcSfurE/s400/tom_joyner.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors. "I haven't worn a beeper in years, and nothing I've got goes with it," Tom Joyner joked after he was bounced from Clear Channel's WVAZ-FM 102.7, forcing him to buy airtime on Crawford Broadcasting's WSRB-FM 106.3 and WYRB-FM 106.3. "PPM has systematically rated urban stations much lower than they have been in the past. The diary method that Arbitron used to use was more favorable."

The Federal Communications Commission last week announced an inquiry to determine if the new methodology undercounts audience for radio stations targeting minorities. Arbitron responded by saying it welcomed the opportunity to explain the advantages of PPMs.
Something to consider as the lay of our local radio landscape changes. Here's how the PPM works, courtesy of the Chicago Tribune:

The image “http://www.chicagotribune.com/media/graphic/2009-05/47099408.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

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