Monday, May 18, 2009

Good Morning Show's getting irritating

The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors. Anyone who survived this morning's "Good Morning Show" over at CBS-2 WFMY is lucky. Their new tie-in with Jeff Roper and Angie Ward over at local radio's 104 WTQR is getting very old, very fast.

This morning, viewers who stayed with the show during the 6am and 7am hours were treated to a very irritating bit featuring someone on a YouTube video getting off an incredibly bad laugh.

Where's the news? Where's the traffic? Where's the credibility? Channel 2 getting like Channel 12 in the morning. The silliness is getting old.

E.C. :)


Anonymous said...

..silly, but not at ridiculous as WXII and that morning traffic 'lady'...

not funny, not funny at all...
why does it continue.. ??

Erik "E.C." Huey said...

You refer to Jennie long as she is part of WXII, that channel will never have credibility with me.

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