Monday, March 23, 2009

The other shoe drops at McClatchy's Charlotte Observer

The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors. Only a week after the first shoe dropped at the McClatchy-owned News & Observer of Raleigh, the other shoe drops in Charlotte.

The Charlotte Observer announced today a combination of layoffs and forced salary reductions.



"We have really looked every place we can," publisher Ann Caulkins said during a meeting with newsroom employees Monday morning.

The Observer said in a story on its Web site that the 14.6 percent reduction means a loss of 60 full-time and 22 part-time employees in several departments, including advertising, operations, circulation, marketing and the newsroom.

Of those, 30 job cuts are in the newsroom — 19 full-time and 11 part-time, said editor Rick Thames. In addition, 14 full-time newsroom employees have been offered reduced hours, said managing editor Cheryl Carpenter.

E.C. :)

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